Tag Archives: urgency

The next thing…



One practice I am working on in simplifying my life is “The next thing…”, which to me means that when I am wound up in a tailspin of trying to “do it all” right in this moment that I stop, take a deep breath and ask myself what REALLY needs to be done right NOW. In that tailspin everything seems urgent and soon enough I am caught in a tempest of activity that demolishes my access to savoring the sweetness of life. And oh how sweet life is underneath all that perceived urgency…and when whatever it is I can work on in the moment is complete I can ask myself “What is the next thing?”.


So yesterday was a perfect example of this practice…mid sentence in this entry I looked at the clock and noticed the next thing was to get my butt to work. Throughout the day I found myself noticing all kinds of opportunities to practice. There are so many things I would like to complete in a day and they all seem to carry equal weight in my mind. As I let go of the panic that sometimes comes with me multi-tasking, it becomes clear what the next thing is. When I received two letters from a dear friend in the midst of setting up my state business account, it was clear to put down the computer and enjoy hearing his voice in my head as I read each word, knowing that I still had plenty of time to take care of  business.

I have been finding this particularly helpful as I go through the daunting task of “legalizing” my business. Getting the name registered, a state certificate so I can charge sales tax (and of course pay the piper back), applying for markets and festivals, meanwhile making stock and working a new gig. All of it carries a huge urgency in my mind that almost makes me want to throw up my hands and say “FUCK IT ALL! Why bother, it’s so much work? You’ll never get it all done? You should just forget about this craft business stuff, you’re safe with a good paying full time job now, what do you need with this artsy shit anyway???”. Well, there it is friends, a window into the banter in my head. Fortunately, faith, courage, and experience with success have come to the rescue and remind me daily to take a deep breath, look at the next thing there is to take care of and do it…the rest will follow. In that space I believe I open up to ease in the experience of what often seems like annoying tasks (I have applied this same practice to my taxes and for the last two years they have been simple and done with ease). When the task doesn’t carry a note of ease, which we all know is often the case in daunting tasks, I get access to acceptance with the discomfort, which in an odd way opens me up to ease. Or recognition that maybe this particular task can be completed at a different time, under less duress (wisdom to know the difference…)???

On a completely practical note, it is also recognizing priorities (this for me includes time with people I love and the business I love) and honoring them. Identifying whether it is a time sensitive task and how important the tasks is relative to my growth (business and personal) all play into choosing what’s next. And so here I am completing my weekly blog (a little later than I would like) AND honoring priorities. I am so grateful I didn’t try to finish this off yesterday and then RUN out the door to work…all things in their time I suppose…