Tag Archives: Farmer’s Market

Wild Bull goes to Market


Sustainable Nantucket Artisan & Farmer’s Market that is!

This marked week two of our local market and my commitment to taking things one step at a time, the turtle business model. So far, allowing this business room and time to grow is proving itself in the market place. In the short weeks since the market started I have had several people connect with me via word of mouth, my favorite way to advertise! Not only is word of mouth or “creating a buzz” an inexpensive way to get press it is in my opinion the most powerful way. It begins with my sharing the passion I have for creating this work which is why I love being the one in my booth connecting with people. From there people who love the work share about it with an enthusiasm I often can’t match!

It includes choosing pricing that reflects the quality of the work and standing by that pricing (I choose not to barter, discount or offer “specials” for frequent flyers, I believe those practices can cheapen the work). I find that as an American shopper we are always out for the discount and often compromise quality to get something for 20% off. I am on a mission in my own life to rid myself of that practice and assist others in the pursuit of quality. There is nothing sustainable in cheap! Truly purchasing a high quality item at a bit higher cost usually translates to a longer, happier life with that product. The alternative is usually buying that similar lesser quality item 2-3 times over the course of the same life, at the end I usually end up spending more time and energy in the pursuit of a cheaper alternative…oh boy, I wasn’t expecting that rant…!

I digress, anyhow, in the end this all means that I must employ the patience and trust principles, this kind of company builds over time not overnight. I am happy to say that in a short two weeks at market I have experienced the build already, specifically in a way that is sustainable to the rest of my life!

Keep on truckin’






Already a winner!


You know there is something to be said about the words of our momma’s cheering us on “Oh sweetie, no matter what you are already a winner!”. So many times I balked at that comment, needing to believe that I was only a winner with the trophy in hand; momma’s have to say that, right? They are required by law!

But today, I believe that. Mainly because I have found so much of the joy in achievement lives in the journey on the path. I say this today because I am at a new turning point for Wild Bull, next week we go to market! Going to sell at our local Farmer’s Market is the epitome right now of brand expression. The Market is focused on creating a sustainable economy for our little island community, supporting not just local food production but local artisans and crafters. Having the opportunity to fashion a booth as in the vision that fits the merchandise is also a huge part of honoring this business. In preparing all the last details to finish the booth and supply enough stock I have been reflecting on what a year it has been since this idea hatched into the world. I would love to make money selling my jewelry, make no mistake about it AND in addition to any financial profit I see, this business has already been a success: we have sold jewelry to strangers – even strangers in Australia – (I am always suspect of family and friends making purchases, “sure they love it?“, it is true though they love me and they love the work and want to support me but I am still suspect), there have been four commissions with antique china, I have made strides in my commitment to marketing and branding, my life is matching up to the way I want to be living it and the gifts keep coming!

In my work as a People Development consultant, I coach teams and individuals in vision and values based business and people development. Recently, I coached a director to lead her team in an organizational wide vision/values/goals workshop, this was the icing on a cake of coaching and development that has been baking since last August. It reminded me that it is about time to reflect on the vision/values/goals for this company:


In five to eight years Wild Bull is working out of a converted barn (there is a huge garden in the back with a chicken coop and space to house our few goats). We employ a small staff of creatively conscious individuals also committed to living sustainable, creative lives. We have the revenue to assist with health insurance and other employee benefits. We are make each others lives work, from working out time off for life, child care and finding creative ways to weave our work and lives together. In addition to our conscious business practices we have joined our efforts to grow and share food and make sure we are well taken care of: body, mind and soul. We have practices as a team that honor the importance of reflection, values/vision creating and goal setting.

As a result of new creative talent Wild Bull production is refined and invigorated. Our jewelry integrates new artistic medium and our team creates an in studio gallery where our other artistic expression is displayed.  Connecting our work into the community, we offer classes and events at the barn that integrate all ages of people with creative expression and commitment to sustainable lifestyle.


  • Sustainability, Creativity, Community

Goals: (For this morning I am focusing only on 2 years out…more later)

2-year Goals

  • By Winter of 2014 Wild Bull employs one team members with creative input
  • By Spring of 2014 Wild Bull is selling 10-15 times the booth fee at six juried Art Shows along the East Coast (and one in Texas!)

1-year Goals

  • By May 2013 Wild Bull is accepted into four juried Art Shows on the East Coast for the fall.
  • By March 2013 Wild Bull inventory is full for the Farmer’s Market Season and the fall show circuit.
  • By October 2012 Wild Bull has earned $20.000 in sales on-line, at market and in special orders.